Breakfast and Breakfast Choices :
I have chosen to write a blog on breakfast choice as I find
people often make poor breakfast choice or none at all or they stick to them
same thing all of the time and find it boring/tasteless and makes no difference
to the health goals.
Like your mother told you, breakfast is the most important meal
of the day, it really is! It kicks start your metabolism going straight away,
your metabolism needs to get going as early as possible to when you get up in
order to burn energy and metabolise food. If you are looking for weight loss or
improvements into your eating habits. EAT BREAKFAST! Like I said in my first
blog, it is ok to eat when trying to lose weight and become healthy, you have
But it is what you put into your mouth that makes the
difference. Breakfast wards off bad food cravings mid morning, and prevents the
symptom of when you get to lunch, shoveling a silly amount of food into you
because you are literally starving your system at this point and more often than
not, unhealthy lunch choices.
Don’t worry, if you’re the type that doesn’t like to eat
certain things or you are a vegetarian, I have some choices, surely you can at least try,
it’s your body after all, you wouldn’t be alive without it!
Cereal: Cereal is
a funny one, because you have marketers who get paid millions to tell you Kellogg’s
Special K Fruit or Raisin Wheat, cereal is good for you, and you think why not,
it has the word “fruit” and “wholegrain” and “fiber” on the front, it must be
and a lovely photo shopped picture of a nice fruity bowl of cereal, be warned, a
lot of these cereal’s contain huge amounts of false SUGARS. You do not need
false sugars kick starting your morning; this is the first thing you are putting
into your body in the morning so make the right choice, they inevitably leave
you feeling hungry a short while later, spiking your insulin levels, converting
that unused or un-burned sugar into fat and leaving you feeling no nicer about
your insides.
Healthy Cereal
Porridge/Oatmeal –
Go back to basics, this classic cereal will sustain you through to lunch. Try
making it on water and adding some natural organic yoghurt and honey, both of
these have organic natural sweeteners so NO NEED to add additional sugar or sweetener.
You can also make it on milk (try organic milk if you can, less false sugars) –
a 30-45g portion should be enough depending on your appetite and energy
required. Add fresh fruit in to give additional sweetness and bulk. It is delicious.
There is also Gluten Free Oatmeal out there for Celiac’s .
Watch when buying Oatmeal that you Do not buy the already flavored
one (Apple & Cinnamon etc), it contains serious amount of sugar!
Wheatabix /Bran
Flakes/ All bran – Be careful and read the back of these, these three are
ok, they have some additional sugar and preservatives but all round are filling
and substantial. Same as porridge try organic milk or yoghurt, branflakes and
all bran are delicious with yoghurt instead of milk and add in some fruit or
honey instead of putting sugar or sweetner, and we don’t need any more false
sugars! You will notice after a while of not using false sugar you won’t put
sugar in any of your cereal’s and will probably stop craving it as much.
Making Granola:
Try making your own granola or granola balls to add into your cereal to give it
an extra crunch or put some fresh fruit and natural yoghurt with some granola
in a bowl delicious! Most store bought granola contains a lot of sugar. Recipe:
Chopped Almonds, Raisins, Dried
Cranberries, Chopped Walnuts, Oats, Pine Nuts, Honey. Bake/Toast the fruit and
nuts mixed together, use honey to make into granola balls and cool in fridge,
store in lunch box.
Eggs/Egg Whites (Not
just for weekends): Eggs contain a lot of protein and is HBV Protein (High
Biological Value) meaning this is the highest quality level of protein source
you can have. Protein is the belly filler and will keep you full for hours. The
egg white contains all of the protein of the egg and the yolk contains all of
the fat. If you are conscious about cholesterol try egg whites instead, In
Canada you can buy them pre-packaged but Ireland you may have to separate the
egg. All of these suggestions can be subbed for egg whites and are quick to
Omlette: mix with
some fresh cut vegi’s (spinach, tomato pepper) makes a seriously filling
Scrambled (without the
butter and salt): have some scrambled with fresh pepper and some fresh
fruit and 1 slice of wholegrain bread or 2 ryvita, filling!
Poached: on a
slice of wholegrain or 2 rice cakes with some fresh melon and smoked salmon (or
fruit of your choice) filing!
Boiled: on a slice
of wholegrain or 2 rice cakes/ ryvita and fresh juiced/squeezed fruit or
vegetable juice.
For those with little
time and need breakfast on the go….
You too need energy, mommy and daddy can’t live without food
either so think about yourself, or those with demanding jobs, your job isn’t
going to keep you alive.. Your body is, so feed yourself! These can all be made
quickly and eaten on the go (although I recommend for your digestion to sit
down and relax while eating).
Toast/Rice Cakes with Natural Peanut Butter
(protein and fill you)
Fruit mix in mini lunchbox and slice of
toast/rice cake with almond butter/peanut butter
Hard Boiled egg and 2 pieces of fruit
Home-made granola bar (store bought have a lot of
Juice – Smoothie (my FAV!) – small bit of
natural yoghurt and fruits and vegi’s mixed(make night before if time short in
the morning – grab and go)
Smoked Salmon on Wholegrain Toast/Ryvita
Drinks in the Morning:
You have been asleep for 8 hours or more or less, you need to be rehydrated. WATER or Warm water and lemon or green/herbal/fruit tea, these are the best things to rehydrate with breakfast!! Try not to drink cartoned fruit juices from shops, they contain alot of sugar!!! Try making your own juice and just store it in the fridge or look at the labels and buy 100% squeezed juice. Dont be fooled by any of these "100 Juice Concentrate" "Contains real fruit bits" , look at the ingrediants, if you cannot pronounce it or has added sugar (added Fructose) is one of the first few ingrediants...ditch it..fruit has naturally high sugars so you dont need any additional.
Drinks in the Morning:
You have been asleep for 8 hours or more or less, you need to be rehydrated. WATER or Warm water and lemon or green/herbal/fruit tea, these are the best things to rehydrate with breakfast!! Try not to drink cartoned fruit juices from shops, they contain alot of sugar!!! Try making your own juice and just store it in the fridge or look at the labels and buy 100% squeezed juice. Dont be fooled by any of these "100 Juice Concentrate" "Contains real fruit bits" , look at the ingrediants, if you cannot pronounce it or has added sugar (added Fructose) is one of the first few ingrediants...ditch it..fruit has naturally high sugars so you dont need any additional.
For those men out
there that gyming it, lifting and training hard:
Keep plenty of protein(tuna/egg whites) in your
breakfasts if you don’t take a substitute protein shake.
Keep complex carbs in your breakfast, so
wholemeal flour pancakes with protein powder and raisins. OR Protein breakfast
omlette’s inside of wholegrain wraps
For those fry lovers
and weekend breakfasts:
There is healthy ways to do this, you can have a yummy
weekend breakfast and cut the fat along the way:
Grill your meat instead of frying
Use lean (little fat) cuts of meat, rashers,
bacon etc
Poach, Boil, Scramble(egg white) your eggs or
make a mini egg white omlette with Smoked Salmon/Tuna
Wholegrain breads 1-2 slices, you don’t need 4
Grilled tomatoes and grilled mushrooms instead
of frying
Grilled Potato cakes with onion and fresh herbs
instead of hash browns
So mini tips:
Keep it fruity and vegi, try and get some protein in by egg/egg whites/smoked
salmon/tuna, lean meats (it will keep you full), keep your cereal choice basic
with little additives and then jazz it up with those lovely fresh or frozen
fruits and organic honey and yoghurt, breads – keep them wholegrain and natural
(white bread is useless to your health being honest). Keep it Juicy ;) try and
make vegi juices they prevent sugar cravings and amazing way to get your five a
day. Be careful with butter and butter servings, try and use none or as little
as possible in your eggs.
Make Smart Choices for your body in the morning, it sets you
up for the day and your life… AND DONT FOGET THAT WHEATGRASS ;)
Remeber Healthy and Fit is sexy and we can all be sexy ;)
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